If you are looking to do some thing to truly express yourself, you may want to consider how to build a garage. I am going to take a look at a couple examples to give you some ideas on what is possible when you build a garage that is your own. Both of these examples come from friends of mine that have redone their garages, so take a look and see if anything they did inspires you.
Two Examples Of How To Build A Garage That Is Fun
One of my friends is a huge fan of the Grateful Dead and decided to build a garage to store his van in the winter and hang out in. The cost to build a garage like this was a factor, but he was pretty open to spending some money. He then went about building a detached garage.
The first thing he needed to do was make sure that the garage would be comfortable in the winter, so he made sure to purchase an extra sturdy and insolated garage door. He took his extensive collection of cloth banners that he had collected and hung them throughout the garage. I would estimate he had approximately twenty of them and they took up most of the walls and ceiling. On the one side he parked his van that he used for summer tours back in the day.
All though every once in a while he still takes it for a spin or the occasional show, most of the time it just sat there. On the other side he set up comfortable couches and throw rugs. A massive steal your face was painted on the floor. The walls underneath the hung banners were painted tie dye. All of this created a really unique area and since it was the garage it was not something that he needed to show people. In addition, it could easily and quickly be converted to a normal garage with a couple gallons of paint and some time.
The next friend I have was a huge Dale Earnhardt fan and when he died he built a garage that is somewhat of a shrine. The first thing he did was paint a large red, black and white 3 on a black background on the garage floor. He then, went about collecting as much Dale Earnhardt memorabilia as he could collect. He filled the garage over time with as much as he could.
On the one side he parks his vehicles and on the other he has a mechanics shop set up complete with a full hydraulic lift capable of picking up a loaded cargo van. He also has an extensive collection of tools here as well including air compressors and pretty much everything needed to do a full tear down and rebuild. He has done work on the side in the garage to fund this project and to help offset the cost of all the tools. His idea on how to build a garage is truly inspirational.
As you can see there are two very different approaches on how to build a garage into something that is unique and your own. Hopefully this helped to give you some ideas on what you can do.
Want To Build A New Garage And Need Some Ideas? Read This Excellent Free Article, Build Your Garage. To Browse More Pieces Of Writing On Garages Visit, http://www.garages.jsgenterprises.com.